
“I always say this–time is not your friend when it comes to fertility. This is one thing that time will not cure. So, if having children is im-portant to you, don’t wait for your career to take off or to have a better home to start a family.”

When it comes to having children, time is of the essence, says fertility specialist Dr Navdeep Singh Pannu. Whether it is planning for a family or dealing with fertility issues, the time is now. “I always say this–time is not your friend when it comes to fertility. This is one thing that time will not cure. So, if having children is important to you, don’t wait for your career to take off or to have a better home to start a family.”

It is well established that the primary cause of infertility is driven by de-lay in getting married and in having kids, followed by stress, lifestyle and ignorance (you know you have a problem but don’t do anything to address it). “Time plays a part in all of the above because essentially, priorities are elsewhere. People often believe that there will always be opportunities to have children later. The reality is that fertility potential diminishes as time goes by.”

One of the main reasons is that the women’s ovarian reserve or egg count progressively depreciates with the passage of time. In addition to difficulty conceiving, there is an increased risk for miscarriages due to this. “There is also a higher possibility of having an abnormal child. Even the percentage of embryos produced via IVF with the correct number of chromosomes decreases with advancing age.”

Men can equally contribute to the delay by leading an unhealthy life-style. “For example, smoking is one of the greatest contributors to infer-tility problems. Men who inject steroids are another group that suffers from infertility,” shared Dr Navdeep. The other issue is the tendency, for both men and women, to ignore other potential causes. By not submit-ting to a check-up as early as possible, they are delaying timely treat-ment that could increase the chances of getting pregnant. “Dealing with fertility issues early is as important, if not more, as planning for a family early. It saves precious time, increasing the span of time for fertility po-tential, thus boosting the chances of having a child.”

This blog is intended for educational purposes only. All contents here is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. Please consult with your health care professional to ensure you get the right diagnosis and treatment.

(Everybody has a chance to build a family) by Dr Navdeep