
How much for Egg Freezing and 25 Commonly Asked Questions about Egg Freezing

Many of my patients asked me about the egg freezing procedures, how much for egg freezing and more. People nowadays are conceiving in their later age, thus opting for egg freezing. It is the chosen option to store eggs for future pregnancy planning. If you have questions about egg freezing, clarify them before you start with the procedures. Here are the most frequently asked questions for your easy reference.

What Do You Need to Know about Egg Freezing?

1. What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a procedure to preserve a woman’s eggs. This technique allows a woman to store her eggs for later pregnancy. 

2. Who should consider egg freezing?

You should consider egg freezing if:

  • You plan to get pregnant at a later age
  • You are diagnosed with cancer
  • You want to store eggs instead of frozen embryos for religious and/or moral reasons

3. How are the eggs stored?

The eggs are frozen and stored at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius.

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Egg freezing storage

4. How long can the eggs remain frozen?

Frozen eggs can be optimally stored for as long as 10 years.

5. How does egg freezing work?

Eggs are frozen using a flash-freezing process known as vitrification. It is a simple, efficient and harmless method. The process of egg vitrification is done using an ultra-rapid cooling method. Egg freezing prevents cell damage when immersed in liquid nitrogen and stored at -196C.

6. What Goes on During the Egg Freezing Procedure?

The eggs will be removed from the ovaries and will be freezed. They are frozen using the flash-freezing method and then stored below freezing temperature. When you are ready to get pregnant, the frozen egg will be thawed and let to fertilise. Upon fertilisation, it will be inserted into your womb so you can get pregnant.

7. How are the eggs retrieved?

  1. You will be given 9 to 10 days of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries and multiple mature eggs.
  2. During the removal process, you will be placed under light sedation. A needle attached to a catheter is guided through the vaginal wall. One by one, the eggs will be drawn out using light suction.
  3. The doctor then collects the eggs in test tubes labelled with your name and unique identification number, which will be handed to the embryologist for the storing process.

8. How many eggs will be retrieved?

We will attempt to retrieve as many eggs as possible. The number can be higher or lower depending on your quality of eggs, your age and other factors.

9. How much for Egg Freezing?

It is common for many to ask questions like how much for egg freezing. The cost of egg freezing can differ for each person. It might vary depending on your medical conditions. The process of each egg retrieval can cost between RM10,000-RM15,000. The yearly fee to store the eggs is about RM1,000. However, these are just indicative figures. If you are wondering how much for egg freezing and want to find out the exact cost, do contact us for the latest fees.

10. How do I start with the Egg Freezing Process?

It is an easy process. Contact the fertility treatment centre of your choice and book an appointment. After your appointment, your fertility specialist will guide you through the process of egg freezing.

11. Is the thawing process safe?

Yes, the thawing process is safe. More than 90% of eggs have survived the thawing process.

12. Is egg freezing safe?

In a study, more than 5000 babies are born from frozen eggs. Over 900 babies showed no increased rate of congenital disabilities. There were no pregnancy complications after egg freezing. Even though these numbers are reassuring, it takes years of follow-up to check that babies born from egg freezing technology have no higher rates of congenital disabilities.

13. Can egg freezing guarantee a live birth?

Unfortunately, no. Many factors can affect your pregnancy, like age, the number of eggs, and health history.

14. What is the egg freezing success rate?

The success rate is often difficult to predict. The success rate is high if the woman’s eggs were taken before 30.

What do you have to do after the Egg Retrieval process


15. How do I care for myself after the egg retrieval procedure?

– Take good rest for a couple of days

– Take the medications given by the doctor

– Avoid any sexual intercourse for about 2 weeks after egg retrieval

16. What food can I consume after egg retrieval?

– Have a balanced intake of protein and carbohydrate

– Eat fibre-rich foods like beans, broccoli, berries, whole grain food, apples, etc.

– Add more vegetables to your diet

– Stay hydrated with water and fresh juice

17. What food should I avoid after egg retrieval?

It is better to avoid having food such as below:

– Inflammatory food that includes sugar, refined carbohydrate, fried food, processed food and red meat

18. When will my period return after egg retrieval?

If you have a regular period cycle, you should get your next period on the next cycle. It usually takes about 28-30 days.

Fertility and Age

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pregnant woman

19. When is the ideal time to freeze eggs?

The ideal time to freeze eggs is in your late 20s to mid-30s. It is best if you can freeze eggs before 35 years old. It is because age affects the eggs. The younger you are, the better the egg counts and egg quality.

 20. What is egg count?

Egg count is the potential eggs remaining in your ovaries. Women are born with 1-2 million eggs and lose more than 100 per month during menstruation. The rate of eggs decreases after 35. Lower egg count can lead to infertility.

21. How can I check my egg count?

There are two tests that can be used to check the egg counts:

  • Egg counts can be tested through Antral Follicle Count. During this test, the doctor will use ultrasound to check for the possible eggs in your ovaries. It is done at the early stage of your menstrual cycle. A tiny structure, only around 2mm to 10mm wide, is used to check the potential eggs (follicles). Many potential eggs may develop, but only one egg containing the follicle reaches maturity.


  • Another test to check the egg count is through the Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test. It is a test to check a woman’s ability to produce eggs for fertilisation for pregnancy. It is a kind of hormone produced by the special cells inside the egg. The level of hormone in your blood can help the doctor to determine the egg count. Usually, the hormone level stays stable throughout your menstrual cycle. Thus, the doctor can conduct the test anytime.

22. If I’m 40 years and above, can I still freeze my eggs?

It is possible to freeze your eggs. However, as your age declines, the number of eggs produced also declines. Thus, the eggs available to freeze will also be less. After the age of 35, the pregnancy rate decreases. So, it is better to freeze eggs earlier.

23. What is egg quality?

Egg quality refers to whether the eggs are genetically normal or abnormal. A ‘normal’ egg contains 23 chromosomes. It will be fertilised with sperm that also has 23 chromosomes. A ‘normal’ embryo should have 46 chromosomes. An ‘abnormal’ egg will have too many or too few chromosomes. The egg may have chromosomal disorders like Down Syndrome if considered’ abnormal’.

At 30, 70% of women’s eggs are considered chromosomally normal. The rate of chromosomally normal eggs decreases to 60% at 35. After 40, the percentage of chromosomal eggs drops to 35%.

These questions may give you an idea about egg freezing. If you need more clarification or have more questions, consult your fertility specialist. It is better to have a clear understanding of the process before proceeding with egg freezing.

3 Things to Know About Embryo Freezing


24. What is Embryo Freezing?

The eggs are fertilised with sperm in a laboratory to fertilise the embryo. Upon fertilisation, the embryos are frozen.

25. What is the difference between egg freezing and embryo freezing?

Egg freezing is where eggs retrieved from ovaries are frozen before fertilisation. Embryo freezing is when eggs are frozen after being fertilised.

26. Why embryo freezing over egg freezing?

Women who are sure to have a baby in the future may opt for embryo freezing. Egg freezing is a simpler choice for women who want to store eggs. They might not be ready to have a child. They might also not be prepared to create an embryo with their partner.

The Next Step After Egg/Embryo Freezing- IVF (In vitro fertilisation)

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27. What is IVF?

It is a process where eggs and sperm are combined in a lab. It is a treatment used to create embryos. It can be frozen for later use.

28. What Happens during IVF?

Before you begin IVF, you will go through a fertility assessment process. After completing the assessment and sure of your decision to take IVF, then you will go through these steps:

  • Preparations before treatment
  • IVF injections
  • Egg retrieval process
  • Sperm collection
  • Embryo growth
  • Preserving the extra embryos
  • Embryo transfer
  • Pregnancy tests and follow-ups

29. What is the success rate of IVF?

The success rate of IVF depends on the age of the egg and sperm, the lab’s quality, the number of egg retrieval and the cause of infertility. However, the success rate for women under 35 is generally over 60% per cycle. For women 35-40 years old, it is around 50 % per cycle and above 40, 40% and less per cycle.

You may have more questions regarding egg freezing, the procedures and the cost of it. In addressing the issue, the sooner you have them answered, the better. Do list them down and call 03-80699333 (TMC Fertility & Women’s Specialist Centre, Puchong) email ask@drnavdeepfertility.com to make an appointment to consult with Dr. Navdeep. 

You may visit : Egg Freezing